WAHA offers a cumulative point system program where members can win awards such as 'WAHA Show Bucks', beautiful large rosette ribbons, directors chairs, bridle bags, grooming totes, etc. There are many divisions to choose from for everyone. From halter, to sport horse, to main ring, to trail riding and more!
WAHA also offers the Legion of Merit and Supreme Legion of Merit where your horse can win a beautiful one-of-a-kind hand sculpted bronze.
Rules and forms can be found below. If you have any questions please reach out to our points secretary Amber at doeke10@gmail.com.
Show results/points may be submitted either via paper or online using the form linked in the button below. Filling out both is unnecessary.
Please submit each horse in a separate form.
It may be necessary to create a Google account the first time points are submitted.
Remember to submit your results within 15 days of the show.
Do you trail ride? Consider joining the points program and earn points per mile completed!
Remember to submit your miles within 15 days of the ride competition.
Do you ride competitive trail or compete in endurance?
Remember to submit your miles within 15 days of the ride competition.
The Legion of Merit is open to all WAHA membership categories and purebred Arabian, Half-Arabian, and Anglo-Arabians may be nominated for this program.
While showing, riding endurance, or trail riding, points are accumulated over the career of the horse. The WAHA Legion of Merit is a separate cumulative WAHA Legion of Merit and is rewarded with a beautiful bronze trophy that is a design unique to WAHA.
Horses must be nominated for this program. The cost to nominate each horse is $50 for the first year or $40 for each following.
The Supreme Legion of Merit is open to Purebreds, Half-Arabians and Anglo Arabians. Horses that have earned the WAHA Legion of Merit may continue in the WAHA Point System. Starting in 2004, horses earning 1,000 additional points in the WAHA system will receive an award for WAHA Supreme Legion of Merit Award. Nomination fee will be $50 the first year and $40 for each year thereafter. All rules are the same for the WAHA Supreme Legion of Merit as the WAHA Legion of Merit Award.